Thursday, July 28, 2005

A Bath Isn't So Bad I Guess - I Can Chew on the Towel

Two asides from CD:

1. There is something very odd about a culture where people think it's demented to leave your closed front door unlocked while you are inside, but think it's fine to open said door without knocking. This has now happened to us five times - with a scolding about having the door unlocked each time.

2. Our friends, Cathy and Tony, who have been adopting Lizzie in Pavlodar are arriving tonight! It is going to be so great to see some other Americans, Brooklynites at that, especially two (three) who've been through the same process.


Blogger Ken Pierce said...

Where I grew up, and also where we were living back in 2003, we never bothered to lock the doors to the house, even when leaving town for a couple of weeks. So while in Kaz, I had trouble with the whole locking doors thing...every few days the doorbell would ring, and I would open it, and Marina would be standing there glaring at me in eloquent, albeit silent, outrage. So I would apologize, and then take the key out of the lock where I had left it...[sigh]

On another note -- looks like I should have previewed the first version of my post more carefully before posting it, since when you delete a post it apparently leaves a nice big "Ken Pierce screwed up" notice for everybody to read.

July 28, 2005 11:22 PM  
Blogger Candace and David said...

Ken: But the bloggers can (and did) delete this notice!

July 29, 2005 1:29 AM  

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